Enhancing Global Security and Performance: How SASE Advisors Transformed a Manufacturer's IT Landscape

published on
March 7, 2024

In the complex world of global manufacturing, maintaining a secure, high-performing IT infrastructure is critical to business success. A global manufacturer with 6,000 users spread across multiple regions, including China, faced significant challenges in visibility, performance, and security. Their existing infrastructure, based on old MPLS and Fortinet firewalls, was inadequate, particularly impacting the performance of Microsoft Teams and SAP environments. The manufacturer needed a comprehensive SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) solution that provided SD-WAN capabilities, robust security, and improved visibility without compromising user experience.

SASE Advisors stepped in to guide them through the process of evaluating, selecting, and implementing the right solution. The Challenge The manufacturer faced several critical challenges:

Lack of Visibility: Their security team lacked the necessary visibility and control over their global network. Performance Issues: Global performance, especially for Teams and SAP environments, was suboptimal.

Outdated Infrastructure: The reliance on old MPLS circuits and Fortinet firewalls was limiting their operational efficiency and security posture.

Security Requirements: They needed to implement Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) with single user policy creation and enforcement.

Resource Constraints: With a light IT team, they required a solution that was easy to manage and cost-effective.

Regional Considerations: China was a crucial market, and reliable, high-performance printing was vital to their operations.

The SASE Advisors Approach:

SASE Advisors undertook a systematic approach to address these challenges and deliver a tailored solution that met the manufacturer's needs:

Comprehensive Evaluation: SASE Advisors began with a thorough assessment of the manufacturer's current IT infrastructure and requirements. This included evaluating the performance issues with Teams and SAP, the visibility needs of the security team, and the specific requirements for ZTNA and printing.

Asking the Right Questions: To ensure they selected the best solution, SASE Advisors engaged with potential vendors, asking critical questions about performance, security features, ease of use, and integration capabilities. They also considered the unique challenges of operating in China and the need for a solution that could handle heavy printing workloads.

Market Analysis and Cost Comparison: By conducting an extensive market analysis, SASE Advisors identified potential SASE solutions that offered SD-WAN capabilities and robust security without impacting user experience. They compared costs and evaluated the potential for long-term savings.

Reference Checks and Vendor Selection: SASE Advisors facilitated reference checks with other companies that had implemented similar solutions, ensuring the manufacturer had a clear understanding of the benefits and potential challenges. This helped build confidence in the final decision. Negotiation and Implementation Support: Leveraging their industry expertise, SASE Advisors negotiated the best possible deal, securing favorable terms and pricing. They also provided support throughout the implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition and integration with existing systems.

The Results:

The strategic approach taken by SASE Advisors delivered substantial benefits for the global manufacturer:

Enhanced Visibility and Control: The new SASE solution provided the security team with comprehensive visibility and control, significantly improving their ability to monitor and manage the network.

Improved Performance: By replacing the old MPLS and Fortinet infrastructure with a modern SASE solution, the manufacturer saw a marked improvement in the performance of Teams, SAP, and other critical applications.

Zero Trust Implementation: The implementation of ZTNA with single user policy creation and enforcement strengthened the overall security posture, ensuring robust protection against threats. Operational Efficiency and

Cost Savings: The easy-to-manage solution was well-suited to the light IT team, and the cost-effective implementation resulted in significant long-term savings.

Global Compatibility: The solution's ability to operate effectively in China and handle heavy printing workloads ensured that the manufacturer's global and regional needs were met without compromise.


SASE Advisors demonstrated how a strategic, methodical approach to selecting and implementing a SASE solution could transform a global manufacturer's IT operations. By addressing performance, security, and visibility challenges, SASE Advisors helped the manufacturer achieve a robust, efficient, and secure IT infrastructure that supports their global business needs.

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